Staging your home in a slower market

With the housing market slower, its time to step up your game!  First impressions are key to enticing buyers to want to see more.  From decluttering your home to professional photos... make sure you are giving your property THE BEST chance to sell!

Lets start with decluttering...  

This is one of the easiest ways to improve the overall appearance of your home.  So pack up your knick-knacks and souveneirs, store away excess papers, clear off kitchen counters and bathroom counters and give your home an overall minimalistic look if possible.  Too much stuff is distracting to Buyers.  Plus, buyers will have an easier time visualizing their own stuff in the home when there is less of yours.

Closets should also not look stuffed to the rims as this will give the impression that there isn't enough space.

Hide extension cords and phone cords from view.  These can be one of the most overlooked items when decluttering your home.

Decluttering should also be done outside of your home as well.  Don't leave broken pieces laying around your front door, make sure they go to the dump or maybe someone can repurpose it.  And make sure you don't have garbage bags of stuff lying around.  Cut your lawn, rake up leaves and weed your garden.  Put tools away, wind up your hoses and take any junk to the dump or a re-store.

Show it's cared for...

Clean your windows inside and out.  Repair or touchup scuffs on the walls.  Check and replace light switches.  Clean debris from the roof and gutters.  Fix leaky faucets and loose toilets.  Ensure windows & doors open, close and latch properly.

De-personalize your home...

This is the hardest for most people to do. But trust me, you should remove family photos and childrens artwork from walls.  Remove memorabilia, collections and personal keepsakes.

Avoid Strong smells...

Not everyone will enjoy the same flavors and scents as you, so be cautious of cooking smells, air freshneners, fragrances and DON'T try to cover up smells with another.  Keep smells neutral.

I hope I was able to give you a few additional tips to help with selling your home.  I've seen it all, and trust me when I say, "do the list above and you will have a more successful time with selling your home".  And if you need my help, please reach out!  I'm here to help you sell your home.

PS - Don't forget to ask your REALTOR to get professional photographs!!!
